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TravelingWorld » Europa » Belgien » Reiseberichte » Belgium GP 2009 - Spa Francorchamps » Tag 2 - Schleiden - Spa Francorchamps

Reisebericht: Belgium GP 2009 - Spa Francorchamps

Tag 2 - Schleiden - Spa Francorchamps

erstellt um 14:47 Uhr am 06.10.2009

left the hotel at 10, drove directly to the circuit, , had nice dinner on one steak restaurant nearby, bought some caps and t-shirts, and left Francorchamps to have a nice eveing in Spa.

Spa was quite nice small city, we had a walkies aroung Spa, then played mini golf and try the lift to the hill.. 

 Later we had a nice evening dinner at one restaurant in front of Raddison hotel. Dinner was good, mussel and chips, the only funny think was the milk shakes. But no one should order milk shakes in a fine restaurant hehe.. better leave it to McD and BK, they can do better.



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Tag 1 Schleiden-Gemünd
Belgium GP 2009 - Spa Francorchamps


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